Wheels for Life

We’re excited to announce that Low Carbon Louth have been selected as a volunteer hub for the new Wheels for Life project by Active Lincolnshire!

The scheme will enable us to refurbish donated bikes to a high standard, providing purposeful work for volunteers and preventing usable bikes ending up in the scrapyard.

Once refurbished, the bikes will be given to members of our community who find themselves in transport poverty, that is without the resources to travel independently for work, domestic needs or leisure. Each recipient of a bike will have been referred to the scheme by agencies best placed to identify those in need.

Having a well maintained bike can reduce isolation, improve health and cut carbon emissions.

If you have an adult sized bike you’d like to donate to the scheme please complete this online form https://oqfo0ibycku.typeform.com/to/wkKXgrME.

Please note: we have limited storage capacity so we may not be able to accept your bike immediately.

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